
New Criminal Lawyer Mentoring Tool Kit


The practice of Criminal law is a dynamic, fast-paced, and intense area of law within which to practice. As new counsel it can be a very difficult to navigate without a strong support network and meaningful mentors to assist in the process. Criminal lawyers tend to practice as sole practioners or in small associations with other lawyers, not generally in big firms with formal and established mentoring programs, as in the case in other areas of the law.

The Criminal Lawyers’ Association (herein after referred to as “CLA”), identified the need for an established mentorship program to assist newly called lawyers in being paired with senior counsel to improve the quality of the representation and professionalism of young counsel.

These materials outline the scope of this mentoring project and include support materials to aid others in the development and implementation of mentoring programs.

Program Description:

The objective of the project is to establish an ongoing mentoring program for new lawyers in the criminal bar. The program matches selected group of 10 new criminal lawyers in sole and small practice with senior and mid-career practitioners for one-on-one mentoring to ensure that they are competent and capable of running their practices with the requisite knowledge, skill and professionalism. The mentoring relationship would continue for a period of 6-12 months, corresponding with the average length of time required to manage a criminal law file from start to finish. A 12 month period is recommended. This mentoring activity should be supplemented by CLE programming.

Recommended Program Work Plan:

Time Frame Activity Responsibility
1 – 3 weeks Formation of committees; roles and responsibilities, financial management policies and procedures, decision-making and approval processes confirmed and implement; establish success measurement criterion. Project Manager

Steering Committee Chair

Sub-Committee Chair

3 – 8 weeks Completion of terms of reference and work plans for all committees/roles


Creation of project identity and communications plan

Project Manger

Steering Committee

8 – 12 weeks
  • Establish applicant criteria
  • Establish applicant evaluation matrix
  • Develop terms of reference for mentee
  • Release call for applicants


Young Lawyer Oversight Committee
8 – 12 weeks
  • Establish mentor criteria
  • Establish mentor applicant evaluation matrix
  • Develop terms of reference for mentors
  • Release call for mentors
Mentor Oversight Committee
12 – 16 weeks
  • Call for mentors and applicants in circulation
Week 14
  • Preparation of quarterly status report for management
Project Manager
16 – 18 weeks
  • Review, interview and select applicants
Young Lawyer Oversight Committee
16 – 18 weeks
  • Review, interview and select mentors
Mentors Oversight Committee
Week 19


  • Match mentors with applicants
  • Orientation meeting with all participants -
Both Oversight Committees
18 – 48 months
  • Project Live
All participants
18 – 48 months
  • Monthly review and reporting meetings
All participants
Weeks 22, 30, 38, 44
  • Status progress reports due from mentees
18 – 40 months
  • Create evaluation matrix of the pilot project for mentees to complete
Young Lawyer Oversight Committee
18 – 40 months
  • Create evaluation matrix of the pilot project for mentors to complete
Mentors Oversight Committee
Weeks 26 and 40
  • 2nd and 3rd quarter status reports for management
Project Manager
Week 48
  • Full participant meeting to review projects, seek feedback, develop recommendation for future mentoring model
All participants
48 – 51 months
  • Preparation of all evaluations, writing evaluation report and development of recommendations for future models
All participants


Roles and Responsibilities:

Committee Name Committee Scope
Steering Committee:


  • Chair:
  • Project Manager:
  • Young Lawyer Oversight Committee Chair
  • Mentoring Oversight Committee Chair
  • Academic Advisor:
Overall management committee to steer the project from funding approval to final evaluation and recommendations report.
Young Lawyer Oversight Committee Committee mandate is to:

  • Establish applicant criteria (include mechanisms to ensure geographic and diversity representation)
  • Establish applicant evaluation matrix
  • Release call for applicants
  • Review and select applicants
  • Develop terms of reference for mentee including roles and responsibility, reporting matrix and evaluation matrix of mentor
  • Match mentors with applicants
  • Establish reporting frequency for mentee and coordinate monthly review meetings.
  • Create evaluation matrix of the pilot project for mentees to complete
  • Compile a summary report of process with recommendation for future models
Mentoring Oversight Committee Committee mandate is to:

  • Establish mentor criteria (include mechanisms to ensure geographic and diversity representation)
  • Establish mentor applicant evaluation matrix
  • Develop terms of reference for mentors including roles and responsibility, reporting matrix and evaluation matrix of mentees
  • Release call for mentors
  • Review and select mentors
  • Match mentors with applicants
  • Establish reporting frequency for mentors and coordinate monthly review meetings.
  • Create evaluation matrix of the pilot project for mentors to complete
  • Compile a summary report


Program Delivery:

To support the program delivery the following sample materials are available:

  1. MenteeApplicationForm
  2. Mentor Application Form
  3. Mentee Selection Matrix Form
  4. Mentor Selection Matrix Form
  5. Mentoring Relationship Acknowledgement Form
  6. Mentor/Mentee Monthly Reporting Form
  7. Sample Mentoring Plan Form
  8. Recommended Reference Materials

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